Online survey for East Kaua‘i Community and Circulation plan extended
Those who haven’t voiced their thoughts on the East Kaua‘i Community and Circulation Plan still have time to do so as the survey and online open house have been extended till Oct. 4.
All East Side community members are encouraged to get involved and share their feedback to help shape the future of East Kaua‘i.
The East Kaua‘i Community and Circulation Plan will guide the growth and development of the region over the long term and is designed to build on the County’s General Plan, focusing on the unique challenges and opportunities of the East Kaua‘i district.
To participate in the survey, click here. Participants who complete the survey will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one of two $50 gift cards.
If you need an auxiliary aid or other accommodation due to a disability, contact Marie Williams at the Planning Department at 808-241-4050 or as soon as possible.