Reminder: Kaua‘i businesses that help you toward zero waste
Kaua‘i’s current landfill will be full before a new one will be ready. How can Kaua‘i residents, visitors and businesses help to avert the crisis of 260 tons of trash a day with no place to go? The most effective action is to cut down on what we throw away, starting now. How we can do this is the topic of the December 13 Kaua‘i Climate Action Forum.
If you look into your waste bin you will find not all of it is trash. We fill the landfill with 25% recyclables, 25% organics like food and green waste, and 25% construction and demolition material.(Did you know that food and green waste buried in the landfill emit methane as they decompose?)
The December 13 Kaua‘i Climate Action Forum will focus on Kaua‘i businesses which can help you find ways to keep that non-trash out of the landfill. Andy Boyd, Solid Waste Recycling Coordinator; Jesse Brown-Clay of Compost Kauai; Elizabeth Morse of Sunny’s Recycles; and Megan Fox, Executive Director of Mālama Kaua‘i will provide ways to refuse, redesign, reuse, refill, compost and recycle to help you minimize what you send to the landfill in order to keep the current landfill from overflowing before the next one is open.
Kaua‘i Climate Action Forums are presented on the second Wednesday of each month by three Kaua‘i nonprofit organizations: Kaua‘i Climate Action Forum, Surfrider Foundation’s Kaua‘i Chapter and Zero Waste Kaua‘i.
The Kaua‘i Climate Action Forum “Kauai Businesses That Help You Toward Zero Waste” will be on Zoom Dec. 13 from 6 to 7:30pm.
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